Economic Development Committee Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, September 19, 2018 - 9:00am

Economic Development Committee Meeting Agenda

Call the meeting to order.

Salute the Flag.

Minutes from May 2018

Call meeting to order 9:17 

In attendance 

Lisa Milch, John Jordan and Stephen Silva

1. Discuss water to Winthrop. Avaliable sources,need and public polling.

Make a brief needs assesment with the Rehoboth Water Commissioners.

2. The chairman of Water Commisiner  had no interest at all in persuing any futher discussion.

New businesses

 1.Discuss creating a property survey of all the commercial property on Winthrop and Fall River Avenue. These are under utilized gems that could ,with the proper controlled development, greatly expand Rehoboths tax base.

2.Create a brief survey to hand out and collect from the aforementioned areas businesses.

Any discussion to submit agenda items for our October meeting
